
Woman seeing gynecologist doctor in her office to check for STD
سوّيتي من قبل مسحة عنق الرحم؟
انزين، يمكن تساعدج هالمعلومات بالبوست انج تاخذين قرار وتسويين هالمسحة. مسحة عنق الرحم، ويسمونها اختبار مسحة عنق الرحم، هي اختبار تستخدمه طبيبتج لاختبار سرطان عنق الرحم. وممكن هالاختبار يكشف عن التغييرات في خلايا عنق الرحم اللّي ممكن لا سمح الله تتحول لسرطان بعدين. وهالإجراء يصير علشان يقدر الطبيب يشوف أي تغيرات في خلايا عنق الرحم […]
Woman seeing gynecologist doctor in her office to check for STD
Have you ever had a Pap Smear before?
Well, maybe the information given in this post will help you decide on your next one soon. A Pap Smear, also called a Pap Test, is an exam a doctor uses to test for cervical cancer in women. It can also reveal changes in your cervical cells that may turn into cancer later. A pap […]
Splayfoot issues?
In our everyday live we usually walk on hard grounds and many women do not go out without their high heels. The consequence: the transverse arch of the foot sinks causing painful deformities and complaints like a splayfoot, hammer toe, bunion and calluses. Our splayfoot solutions give support to damaged feet, help to relieve discomfort […]
Lviv, Ukraine - November 27, 2019: Young hipster girl holding Go Vegan sign banner and standing outside. Millennial female agitating vegitarian lifestyle . Time lapse. People crowd passing at background
How to Have a Completely Vegan Period
At the heart of veganism is the desire to do less harm towards animals through our purchasing and lifestyle choices. And going completely vegan for your period is a lot easier than you might think. A few swaps in your monthly cycle, such as the period products you buy or the snacks you choose to satisfy your […]
Do you burn more calories on your period?
Do you burn more calories on your period? Yes, and no… During our period, our hormone levels reach their lowest points. Oestrogen and progesterone levels decrease, meaning our recovery rate during exercise is faster. This makes an extra set of reps or a post-work run much easier to handle, but it doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll […]



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